What is an operating system?

Operating System or "OS" is Software that acts as an interface between user and computer. That is, computer hardware and manage application programs. In simple terms, this is the system software that helps you communicate with the computer without learning a computer language. The operating system can be easily understood based on the following points:- 1:- operating system (OS) is software that acts as an interface between a computer and a user. This is called system software. 2:- The operating system is a group of instructions that are stored in the storage device. And it is a group of programs that manage the resources and operations of the computer. 3:- This is the first program to load on an OS computer. It is also known as the program of programs. 4:- OS manages all the operations of the computer. 5:- there are two types of the operating system:- *character user interface (CUI) *Graphical user interface (GUI) character user interface (CUI): CUI, there is no user and fr...